How To Start Earn Money From Google Adsense.Complete Knowlege A-to-Z,You Can Start Earn $$$$/day..

Getting the Maximum out of Google AdSense: Strategy Classification

Google AdSense program has given an altogether new purpose to websites. Besides serving content or selling products and services, websites are now being used to generate revenue through serving Google AdSense Ads. The webmasters employ various strategies in order to extract the maximum out of Google AdSense program. There is no formal classification available for these strategies (nor can all the strategies be determined), however, the following 3 classifications are said to be more prevalent than the others:

Malang tidak berbau ,begitu tragis skali kematian lelaki ini,apakah penyebab
terjadinyer kemalangan ini.

sama ada kecuaian beliau atau pun pemandu lori,mcm mana pula penerimaan ahli keluarga bila melihat keadaan yang menyedihkan ini.

saban hari ada saje kan kemalangan ngeri yang berlaku,harap-harap kita semua pandai-pandai le jaga diri,malang tidak berbaur kan.
saya tengok memang mengerikan kepala tercabut,nasib baik la tak tengok secara live kan.key alia dah nak sign out ...nak masak dah lapar..hehehe.key bye




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